Studies on the kinetics of absorption of phosphorus by rice (Oryza sativa L.) and beans


  • A. Baraibar USP; CENA
  • J. Villamil USP; CENA
  • M.F. Fiore USP; CENA
  • R.F. Marcondes USP; CENA
  • T. Muraoka USP; CENA
  • C.P. Cabral USP; CENA
  • M.L. Malavolta USP; CENA
  • E. Malavolta USP; CENA



Three experiments were conducted under controlled conditions with the objectives of evaluating the effect of different concentrations of phosphorus and on the presence of other ions on the kinetic of absorption. Excised roots of rice and bean were placed in aereated solutions containing increasing concentrations of NaH2PO4 (10-7 M to 5x10-2M) during 90 minutes. The rate of absorption (v = mmols P/g dry matter) and the kinetic constants Vmax and Km were determined. Similar procedure was used to to evaluate the interaction of Mg+2, Al+3, K+, N-NH4+, N-NO3- and N-ureia in the uptake of phosphorus during 120 minutes. In another experiment, the effect of the presence of Mg+2 and/for Al+3 in the uptake and redistribution of phosphorus, was evaluated by varying the external concentration (1 ppm, 5 ppm, 10 ppm and 20 ppm) during a period of 17 hours, and utilizing whole rice plants. It was observed a dual mechanism, with two phases following the Michaelis-Menten kinetics and with transition phase 1 - 50 x 10-5 M. The best explanation of the experimental data was obtained, by transforming the data in accordance with HOFSTEE (1952). Bean was more efficient than rice in the first phase of uptake (higher Vmax). Al+3 had a clear stimulatory effect on the uptake of phosphorus, promoting, however, the anion fixation in the root at lower concentrations. At the highest concentrations (20 ppm) of phosphorus this effect was not evident. No effect on the uptake was observed with Mg+2, K+ and different forms of nitrogen. Urea could have a depressive effect although, not significant. Possible mechanisms invelved are discussed.






nao definida

How to Cite

Baraibar, A., Villamil, J., Fiore, M., Marcondes, R., Muraoka, T., Cabral, C., Malavolta, M., & Malavolta, E. (1987). Studies on the kinetics of absorption of phosphorus by rice (Oryza sativa L.) and beans . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 44(2), 1503-1561.