Analysis of areas with different slope classes through TM/LANDSAT images


  • C. A. Vettorazzi USP; ESALQ; Departamento de Engenharia Rural
  • R. Angelo Fº PLANAL-SUCAR; Superintendência Geral do IAA
  • N. F Koffler PLANAL-SUCAR; Superintendência Geral do IAA



The analysis of areas with different slope classes (A = 0-3%, B = 3-8%, C = 8-16% and D = 16-30%) is made with the purpose of verifying the TM/LANDSAT images potentiality in agricultural planning. Due to the absence of tridimensional viewing, the work is based on quantitative relations between drainage indices (river frequency and drainage density) determined on the images, and the relief expression (average slope) extracted from planialtimetric topographic charts (1: 50,000 scale). Aerial photographs on a 1:35,000 escale are utilized for comparisons. The main conclusion is that the utilization of TM/LANDSAT images in mapping slope classes through drainage network is feasible, though the characteristics of the analysed region caused an easier differentiation between areas of the A and B classes and those of the C and D classes.






nao definida

How to Cite

Vettorazzi, C. A., Angelo Fº, R., & Koffler, N. F. (1987). Analysis of areas with different slope classes through TM/LANDSAT images . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 44(2), 1579-1606.