Blending of corn seed lots of different ages: 2. effects on plant performance in the field


  • S.M. Cícero Universidade de São Paulo; Departamento de Agricultura da E.S.A.Luiz de Queiroz



Seeds blending, seed age, plant emergence, stand, productivity


The objective of this work was to study blending of corn seeds obtained in two consecutive cropping seasons (one year old seeds and new seeds) as to its effects on plant performance in the field. Seeds obtained from 4 cultivars grown in the 1984/85 and 1985/86 cropping seasons were utilized. The older seeds were initially stored under two conditions (non-controlled environment and dry chamber) for a period of about 6.5 months. Blending was then done to obtain three lots with 10 %, 15 % and 20 % old seeds, respectively. Lots from the two growing seasons were also tested separately. Performance of the various seed lots was evaluated by field observations. The results indicated that corn seeds obtained from two consecutive cropping seasons can be used as a valid alternative for the utilization of commercial surplus for it was observed that blending new seeds with up to 20 % older seeds did not affect plant performance in the field.


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How to Cite

Cícero, S. (1988). Blending of corn seed lots of different ages: 2. effects on plant performance in the field . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 45, 557-578.