Foliage analysis of five Eucalyptus species
Two hundred recent mature leaves were collected, at april 1976, from each of the upper crown part of to years old plants (E. grandis, E. microcorys, E. resinifera, E.robusta, E. saligna), established on two Red Yellow Latossol site at Mogi Guaçu and Areia Branca, State of São Paulo, Brasil. Chemical analysis were run for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in order to detect nutritional differences between the species. The highest concentration of N, P, K and S were founded in E. grandis; while E. microcorys exhibited the lowest concentrations in nutrients. High eleveis in Mn were observed in all species due the acid soils. The yields in (m³/ha.) of wood have varied considerably within the species. The higher production of wood was of the species E. grandis and the lower was due E. microcorys. A positive correlation were observed between nutrient concentration (x) and yield of wood (y) for the elements and is expressed by the following equations: Ny = 261.45 x - 158.51 r = 0.60** Py = 4.476.80 x - 126.24 r = 0.60** Ky = 715.27 x- 1.76 r = 0.58** Sy = 1.431.74 x - 2.13 r = 0.51** Fe y = 2.773.2 x+ 48.63 r = 0.34*Downloads
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Haag, H. P., Sarruge, J. R., Oliveira, G. S., Poggiani, P., & Ferreira, C. A. (1977). Foliage analysis of five Eucalyptus species . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 34, 31-44.