Caracteres culturais das bactérias dos nódulos de algumas leguminosas tropicais


  • Ferdinando Galli E. S. A. Luiz de Queiroz



23 isolates from root nodules of 13 leguminous species were tested in laboratory for cultural and physiological characteristics. The following conclusions can be drawn: 1 - The cultural and physiological characters were not enough to identify the different isolates. 2 - The data from cultural and physiological tests help the identification of the bacteria, when checked with data from cross-inoculation tests reported elsewhere (GALLI, 1958). The bacteria studied herein may be grouped as the following: a) nodule bacteria from Vigna sinensis, Calopogonium muconoides, Centrosema pubescens, Desmodium adscendens, D. discolor, Indigofera mucronata, I. subulata, I. sumatrana, Stylosanthes guyanensisA Tephrosia cândida and Teramnus uncinatus: bacteria with scanty growth; alcaline reaction in milk-brom cresol purple; no acid production in medium with any of the carbohydrates used. b) nodule bacteria from pea and from Vicia obscura: bacteria with moderate growth; alcaline reaction, with serum zone, in milk-brom cresol purple; acid production in medium with all the carbohydrates used. c) nodule bacteria from Leucaena glauca: bacteria with moderate growth; alcaline reaction, with serum zone, in milk-brom cresol purple; acid production from rafinose and manitol. d) nodule bacteria from Cratylia floribunda: bacteria with scanty growth; alcaline reaction in milk-brom cresol purple; acid production from mannose and ramnose.


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Cómo citar

Galli, F. (1959). Caracteres culturais das bactérias dos nódulos de algumas leguminosas tropicais. Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 16, 113-122.