Observações sôbre a quantidade de milho amarelo necessária para prevenir a avita-minose a em pintos


  • E. A. Graner Universidade de São Paulo; Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz
  • A. Bergamin Universidade de São Paulo; Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz




The authors tried to check in this experiment the minimum of yellow corn necessary for preventing avitaminosis A in chickens. It was observed, in balanced ration with 50% of corn, that: a) 20% of dent and yellow grains and 30% of flint and white grains were insuficient to prevent avitaminosis A. b) 20% of flint and orange grains and 30% of flint and white grains or 40% of either colored grains and 10% of flint, and white grains did not show evident signs of avitaminosis A during the 12 weeks of the experiment. The ration containing 20% of flint and orange grains is pratically equivalent to the ration containing 40% of dent and yellow grains, regarding the content of pro-vitamina A. However, it was not possible to conclude if these dosage are sufficient to give the necessary vitamina A for normal development of the chickens since the table 3 seems to indicate a negative correlation between the amount of pigment in the ration and the mortality of the animals.


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Cómo citar

Graner, E. A., & Bergamin, A. (1949). Observações sôbre a quantidade de milho amarelo necessária para prevenir a avita-minose a em pintos. Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 6, 107-116. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0071-12761949000100008