Behaviour of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) cultivares under two sowing dates


  • M.E.S.P. Demattê UNESP; Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias; Departamento de Fitotecnia
  • S. Simão USP; E.S.A. Luiz de Queiroz; Departamento de Horticultura



Plant development and fruit production of cucumber cultivars 'Marketer IAC- 2 2 0 5 ' , 'Palomar IAC- 3 0 5 0 ' , 'Santee IAC- 2 4 4 1 ' , 'Verde Paulistano IAC-1336' and 'Aodai 1 - 4 3 2 1 ' were compared under two sowing dates, 5 t n of May and 5 t n of December of 1970 in Campinas, SP, Brazil, in a Yellow Red Latossol. Air temperature ranged from 1 2 , 0°C to 26, 8°C in the first period of culture, and from 18,5°C to 30,2°C in the second period. Adequate cultural practices were provided. When the first female flower appeared in the field, insecticides and fungicides applications were interrupted. For all cultivars, yields were higher and fruit quality was better in the first period of culture. Both in May and December cultures, plants have concentrated their highest yields between the third and the penultima te harvesting dates. 'Santee' presented low yields and the quality of its fruits was poor. 'Aodai' showed the best results as to fruit yield and fruit quality. Yields of the other cultivars were similar. 'Verde Paulistano' presented the latest fruit production. 'Marketer' showed a relatively uniform behaviour in both periods of culture. There were found positive correlations between yield in each harvesting date and total yield, total yield and marketable yield, number of fruits and fruits weight, plant height and yield, and number of lateral branches and yield. The relation between marketable and total yield, and fruit average weight, decreased at the end of the plants cycle.






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How to Cite

Demattê, M., & Simão, S. (1985). Behaviour of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) cultivares under two sowing dates . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 42(1), 162-193.