
  • R. de Paula Souza




From what was said we may summarize our opinion about the fight against tuberculosis among the students as follows: The basis of the fight must be social-prophylatic and also provide assistance. For the prophylatic action the present technic has very good weapons as the X-ray examination and the tuberculin testing done periodically in the dispensaries. That examination must be not only of students but also of the technic and administrative personnel of the University. A program of B.C.G. vacination must be advised. Medical and nursing students deserve especial attention. All opportunities of contagion must be avoided especially during the classes of pathology and the training periods in the hospitals. For that the X-ray examination at the entrance and selection of all patients of hospitals and dispensaries is of fundamental importance. The university dispensary has to have very good equipment in order to accomplish its many activities namely the clinical examination, radiology, laboratory all prophylatic activities, social problems and research. The last one is very important for the planning of more efficient campaigns against tuberculosis in the future. The patient needing sanatorial treatment must be sent to adequate ones and if possible to those belonging to the university or of ante and post-care with which the dispensary should be related. We did not study in this report many aspects of high technic and administrative importance as the types of patients to be treated in sanatories or outpatient clinics, the frequency of examination of those under the hazard of contagion, the problem of non-reactors to tuberculin, concepts of cure, rehabilitation and the relationship between the different weapons to fight tuberculosis, the social economical measures, etc, for each one demands a especial report. The points we gave a longer consideration and studied more detailed were the best emphazise and make objective the directive line of this report which aims to the strong and universal action of social-prophylatic measures. 



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How to Cite

Souza, R. de P. (1953). A TUBERCULOSE NO MEIO ESTUDANTIL. Arquivos Da Faculdade De Higiene E Saúde Pública Da Universidade De São Paulo, 7(1), 101-122. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2358-792X.v7i1p101-122