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Author Guidelines

1. The contributions submitted for publication AFRICA should be made up of unpublished works, book reviews, essays, reading notes, or news articles related to the African reality, African-Brazilian and African diaspora in general.

2. All papers submitted for publication will be subject to the approval of the Editorial Board. Any suggestions for modification of structure or content, by the Editorial Board, authors will be notified in advance.

3. The text should be typed double-spaced, A4 size paper, space 12, the Times and accompanied by an identification page (s) of author (s) which should include: full postal and email address, indicate city, country, month and year they were written, and short biography of the author(s) (s) including training, institutional affiliation, academic title and position. Texts can be sent on paper, plus one copy recorded in digital media, or by email to:

4. The text should not exceed 20 pages with 1400 characters each one. May be presented in Portuguese, English, French, and Spanish or in an African national language. In the latter case, must be accompanied by a translation into Portuguese. It should contain a summary of no more than 10 lines (approximately 1300 characters with spaces) and five (5) key words both in Portuguese and in English.

5. Graphs, photographs, etc., must come ready to be published, or should behave size reduction without loss of sharpness, concerning the size of the review ÁFRICA (13.2 x 19 cm), both for the printed magazine (in this case, only in black and white) as for its electronic form. These elements should be submitted on separate files – and recorded in an image file - containing the necessary information for their location. In the case of the author not be the owner of the elements, please include permission from the author(s) for publication.

6. The References should be listed in alphabetical order and listed at the end of the text. Footnotes should only contain information from the subject matter. Quotations and / or transcripts correlated with the references should be included throughout the text depending on the model author / date (e.g. PAULME, 1965), or author / date / page (e.g. PAULME, 1965, p. 18).

7. The originals will not be returned.

8. The journal is not responsible for wording or concepts expressed by its contributors.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.