‘Nsumwinu’: meaning and role in the structural composition of melodies in the urban music of the Democratic Republic of the Congo


  • Kazadi wa Mukuna Kent State University




Communication traditional Luba, Kasumwinu, Ethnomusicology, Nsumwinu.


The examination of the inserted nsumwinu (singular - Kasumwinu), in the lyrics of popular songs in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), reveals hidden roles that are both musical and linguistic. Musically, the compositional technique of the melodic contour is derived from the observation of the semantic level of the language represented by the sequential pattern of tones on words that compose the kasumwinu. Linguistically, this sequential pattern of tones that determines the meaning of the word, must be faithfully observed in the music’s compositional process of the basic melodic contour, i.e., the linguistic tones dictate the direction of musical intervals, leaving the decision of the size of the interval to the creative discretion of the composer.1 This essay will reveal the linguistic significance and role of nsumwinu, in the urban music of the DRC, and to conclude that they provide the musical flexibility without altering the overall meaning of their intended message.


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Author Biography

  • Kazadi wa Mukuna, Kent State University
    Kent State University, Center for the Study of World Musics. Kent, Ohio, USA.






How to Cite

MUKUNA, Kazadi wa. ‘Nsumwinu’: meaning and role in the structural composition of melodies in the urban music of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. África, [S. l.], n. esp, p. 199–210, 2012. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2526-303X.v0iespp199-210. Disponível em: https://revistas.usp.br/africa/article/view/102636.. Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.