The land market in the piauienses cerrados: modernization and enxclusion
land market, agriculture modernization, cerrados piauienses, exclusionAbstract
The current article discuss the creation of the land market in the cerradospiauienses from the advances of its regional modernization. Although the
consolidation of that market occured in the 90th decade, it is a phenomenon that begun
in the 70th , when former investors bought lands in the south of Piaui Estate for the
development of projects to modernize the farming and reforestation, funding with
public resources of Sudene. During this period, also occurred an increase of the of
irregular privative appropriation of remise lands, through by grilagem, moreover, in
regions located in plain platos of the Gerais region. The privatization, the valorization
and the intensification of real state market speculation in those regions brought
important impacts for the farmer local communities, as an essential reduction of use
social communitarian and the expulsion of local population that lived in baixões
happened. Therein, the modernization process in course of cerrados piauienses is an
excluding phenomenon for the most of its population.
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How to Cite
The land market in the piauienses cerrados: modernization and enxclusion. (2009). Agrária (São Paulo. Online), 10-11, 73-98.