Limits of the territory


  • José Gilberto de Souza



territory, relationships of power, agrarian geography, theories in geography, agrarian reform.


The article presents an analysis concerning the territory concept and its
theoretical appropriation forms by the agrarian geography, particularly emphasizing its
limits while analytical category and recognizing their central elements. The territory is
constituted of social relationships founded on differences of power. It would be the first
way of giving meaning to the relationships of power and the changes in the organization
of the social relationships correspond to the changes in power representations and this
change doesn't involve a single sense. In this case, the article points the apriorism in the
territory definition, that doesn’t recognize its dynamics and formation, conceiving it
exclusively as a result of social relationships of production. In this way starting from
elements as symbols, norms, relationships of power and identities is that the territory
expresses itself and stops being a concept that explains, to turn a phenomenon that
demands an explanation and that produces knowledge.


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