Agricultural innovation: key to face the challenges of food security and climate change


  • Andrea Sonnino Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO). Rome –Italy



Food security, Agricultural production, Investments, Innovation


Thanks to technological and managerial innovation, world agriculture is currently able to produce sufficient food to feed 7 billion peopleworldwide. Notwithstanding, less than one billion peoplestillsuffer from hunger. Demographic growth, increasing urbanization, and dietary changes of a large share of world populationwill trigger a sharp growth of world food demand, which in 2050 will be 60% higher than today. The challenge of meeting expanding food demand is further exacerbatedby climate change and erosion of natural resources.It is therefore necessary to significantly increase investments in agricultural research and development, especially in developing countries. The capacities of national agricultural innovation systems must be developed and made more responsive to the needs of smallholders. The Tropical Agriculture Platform(TAP), an initiative recently promoted by G20 and facilitated by FAO, will coordinate and give more impact to international interventions for capacity development of agricultural innovation systems in developing countries.


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How to Cite

Agricultural innovation: key to face the challenges of food security and climate change. (2011). Agrária (São Paulo. Online), 15, 71-85.