About the Journal

The electronic magazine Almanack Braziliense is a semiannual academic Review that publishes works turned to the history of Brazil and Portuguese America XVIII and XIX centuries, privileging a specific problem: the process of State building and the national question in Brazil, also in its interfaces with the Hispanic world and the world-wide state of affairs. It means, so, a thematic Review, something uncommonly among humanities in Brazil, due to the fact that it was created, in the first semester of 2005, as a ramification of the "Formation of the State and of the nation: Brazil (c.1780-1850)" group, financed by the FAPESP and hosted in the Institute of Brazilian Studies of the University of Sao Paulo. This group, which brings together researchers of several universities in Brazil maintains ties with important institutions abroad, is inserted in the intense process of revision which intellectuals of whole world are submitting the problem of the national States and its historical development. The Review aims not only to give publicity to the advancements of the first groups interests, but specially to allow the interphrase with other scholars and to advance in the production of knowledge around the central problems boarded by the Almanack.

Current Issue

No. 11 (2010)
					View No. 11 (2010)
Published: 2010-05-01
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