Commercial expansion in São Paulo: 'decay' and 'idleness' in the discourses of contemporary men, travelers and public authorities, 1782-1822
São Paulo, political vocabulary, travelers, agriculture, trade, legislationAbstract
This research discusses the expansion of commercial agriculture in São Paulo between 1782 and 1822, based on the analysis of legislation, the memories written by contemporary people and both documents and reports elaborated by the governors of the 'captaincy'. In memoirs and governmental documents, the increase of production bound to commercialization depended on the implementation of new agricultural practices that made free men, specially native people, occupy themselves in labor routines considered productive, decreasing as much as possible the 'inactive' time of this population. Therefore, the most important topics of the memoirs and governmental discourses are the 'decay' of São Paulo and the urgency of 'restoring' its settlement and agriculture, through the incorporation and control of the available labour force.Downloads
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