From the Olympus Fall to the Rebirth

an analysis of Karol Conká's Olympian Curve on Big Brother Brazil 21



Big Brother Brazil, Cancel Culture, Instagram, olympians


This paper have the goal to analyse how the excessive and negative exposure of celebrities image could affect them at Social Media field and how the imagetic capital could be recovered in cases of crisis. As a study case, we've choose the involvement of singer Karol Conká in the reality show Big Brother Brasil 21, from TV Globo. Our research concern is mapping how the singer's actions have affected her capital followers on social network Instagram and to understand how her role as olympian celebrity, as Morin (1997) says, was damaged. Our theoretical background was built by ideas from Morin (1997), Foucault (1975), Bauman (2014), Lévy (1999) and Debord (2007).


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How to Cite

Pereira, E. R. G., Franco, M. dos S., Melo Pinto, H. M., & Rios, R. M. de A. (2022). From the Olympus Fall to the Rebirth: an analysis of Karol Conká’s Olympian Curve on Big Brother Brazil 21. Anagrama, 16(1).