humiliated and persecuted

the online violence against women in Brasil


  • Lucas Sousa do Vale Universidade de Brasília


Internet, Online Violence, Gender, Brazil


In Brazil, research on online violence is still recent. When it comes to online violence against women, the literature is even more scarce. Therefore, this work presents itself as a contribution to the understanding of the issue of violence against women in the virtual environment in the country and conceptualizes online violence from the notion of gender violence. It also seeks to present some types of violence in the virtual environment and to analyze an interview with the activist and feminist Lola Aronovich, a victim of violence in virtual environments in recent years. For the construction of this work, the results of the Brazilian Observatory of Violence online were analyzed and authors such as Bailey Poland, Janara Sousa were used, in addition to Brazilian legislation to understand the theme and its contours and unfolding. The interview sought to understand the case of violence that occurred, how it was triggered and the motivations, in addition to the consequences of this violence. As a result, the work shows some online violence that already have legislation on them and shows convergences between the theoretical framework and the notes reached by the interview, affirming male domination and the notion of power and dominant beliefs present on the Internet, which have consequences in the physical world. such as stalking, harassing, threatening and harassing. However, there are ways to protect yourself from these attacks and reporting channels that guarantee the protection of victims.


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How to Cite

Sousa do Vale, L. (2022). humiliated and persecuted: the online violence against women in Brasil. Anagrama, 16(1).