Effect of different methods of forced molt on performance of laying hens
Laying h, Sodium chlor, Potassium iod, ZincoxAbstract
One experiment was conducted to compare productive performance of laying hens of two strains: Babcock (light) and Hisex Brown (semi-heavy), exposed to forced molt according to the following treatments: A- Feed restriction (11 days), B- Salt restriction (42 days), C- high dietary zinc (2.0% of ZnO during 11 days) and D- High dietary iodine (0.6852% de KI during 42 days). The experimental design was a random block design. The birds (128 by strain) were 66 weeks old at the beginning of the molt phase. Birds on treatments A and C had better production in the second cycle and better feed conversion. Birds on treatment A produced the heaviest eggs with lowest quality (both internal and external). Percentage of production was not different among the strains tested, even though the lightweight birds showed a significantly better feed conversion and lower feed consumption. The semi-heavy strain produced significantly heavier eggs, with better internal quality but lower shell quality.Downloads
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Albuquerque R de, Mendonça Jr. CX de, Ghion E, Lma CG. Effect of different methods of forced molt on performance of laying hens. Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 1999 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];36(3):159-63. Available from: https://revistas.usp.br/bjvras/article/view/5761