Rousseau , First Discourse , History , example , verisimilitudeAbstract
One of the main critiques on the Discourse on the sciences and the arts is focused on the use of historical data that supports his thesis. And even recently some scholars have argued on the Rousseau’s "weak historical arguments" in his discourse. Therefore, we intend to put this perspective in question to highlight the philosophical treatment of history intended by Rousseau. Proceeding, primarily, from a clarification of the concept of "historical inductions" in the context of the Discourse, we introduced the concept of verisimilitude as a product of a cause and effect consideration, not observed from the isolated facts, but emerging men in relation. Thus, focusing on the actions described by historians, Rousseau does not seek truth from facts, but from the moral principles that motivates these actions. Thus, we conclude with the concept of an "exemplary history" that is essential for the further development of Rousseau's moral thought.
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