Bayle, Holbach, ethocracy, political, moralAbstract
Our contribution to this honor more than deserved to teacher and researcher Maria das Graças de Souza for all your research and all its academic papers concerning the philosophical thought of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth will be a reflection on establishing the principles and foundations of an ethocratic government in Pierre Bayle and Baron d'Holbach political thoughts. The latter, despite being the inventor of the term "Ethocracy" in its Ethocratie or le Gouvernement fondé sur la morale, which refers to a strictly supported government system on the principles of morality, has its theoretical background already in the writings of Pierre Bayle mainly in the Continuation des pensées diverses sur la comète and Réponse aux questions d'un provincial, as the philosopher of Carla advocated separate religion and politics, even before the Baron, a sphere political atheist. In this sense, our work aims to explore the similarities between the authors on the issue proposed.
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