A defense of the majority principle in the context of debates on democratic legitimacy of judicial review of legislation


  • Martônio Mont'Alverne Barreto Lima Universidade de Fortaleza
  • Paulo de Tarso Fernandes Souza Universidade de Fortaleza




Democracy, Majority Principle, Judicial Review


The main objective of this article is to promote a critique to the argument according to which the majority principle presents risks to democracy, usually employed by the advocates of the democratic legitimacy of the judicial review of legislation. In a democratic society, where the principles of freedom and equality are adopted, the majority principle provides a fair criterion to identify the points of view that ought to prevail at the end of collective processes of decision-making. The rules that require unanimity and qualified majority are insufficient to right the alleged injustices produced by the majority principle, by virtue of the difficulties they face to be enforced, the absence of real protection for the minorities and the internal contractions they show. Although it is possible to imagine a legal system in which the majority principle makes the existence of a tyranny or dictatorship of the majority possible, to assume that, in this context, judges will necessarily form the group of defenders of minorities’ rights is to promote a selective application of the equality principle.


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Author Biographies

  • Martônio Mont'Alverne Barreto Lima, Universidade de Fortaleza

    Mestre em Direito pela Universidade de Fortaleza (Unifor). Professor de Teoria e Filosofia do Direito.

  • Paulo de Tarso Fernandes Souza, Universidade de Fortaleza

    Professor titular de Direito Constitucional da Universidade de Fortaleza (Unifor)


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How to Cite

Lima, M. M. B., & Souza, P. de T. F. (2022). A defense of the majority principle in the context of debates on democratic legitimacy of judicial review of legislation . Cadernos De Ética E Filosofia Política, 40(1), 184-195. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1517-0128.v40i1p184-195