An archeology of sociology?


  • Marcos Lacerda Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFPEL



Episteme, Modernity, Human, Society, Sociology


The aim of this paper is to present the relationship between Foucault's reflection on the "modern epistemic of the human sciences" of the discourses of "anthropological subjections" and the emergence of "strategic devices", with sociology, especially with the themes concerning concept of society and polarization agency and structure. Sociology would be a derivation of the modern epistemic of the human sciences, whose main characteristic is the modern process of "anthropologizing" thought, thus constituting one of the discourses of "anthropological subjections" and forging strategic power devices.


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How to Cite

Lacerda, M. (2019). An archeology of sociology?. Cadernos De Ética E Filosofia Política, 2(35), 143-152.