From Canguilhem to Foucault by way of Psychology


  • Marcio Luiz Miotto Universidade Federal Fluminense



Michel Foucault, Georges Canguilhem, Robert Pagès, Psychology, Human Sciences, Contemporary French Philosophy


The purpose of the present work is to compare the debate between the Philosopher Georges Canguilhem and the Psychologist Robert Pagès regarding the conference Qu’est-ce que la Psychologie?, held on 1956, with the published texts of Michel Foucault during the decade of 1950. In order to do that, the article begins with some historical notes, followed by a brief analysis of Foucauldian texts of 1954, Maladie Mentale et Personnalité and Introduction à Le Rêve et l’Existence. The Foucauldian texts are then confronted with Canguilhem-Pagès debate, which are analyzed and compared with two other published texts by Foucault in 1957: La Psychologie de 1850 à 1950 and La Recherche Scientifique et la Psychologie. The aim of the present work is to demonstrate that the beginning of Foucault’s career not only maintain a certain interlocution with the questions presented by Canguilhem and Pagès around Psychology, but even rehearse some critical directions which full content can be viewed in both thesis defended by Foucault, Folie et Déraison and Introduction à l’Anthropologie de Kant.


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How to Cite

Miotto, M. L. (2019). From Canguilhem to Foucault by way of Psychology. Cadernos De Ética E Filosofia Política, 2(35), 112-142.