The Voltaire's Pneumatology and the Interpretation of Zadig or The Destiny


  • Rodrigo Brandão



Voltaire, Celestial beings, Sky, Heaven, Zadig, Destiny, Providence, Freedom


The present paper aims at distinguishing two categories of celestial characters found in some Voltaire’s texts. The first one concerns the characters coming from the astronomical sky of modern science. The second one could be regarded as the ones which inhabit the ancient heaven of supernatural creatures: angels, genies, and demons. The distinction of these two categories help us to provide an interpretation of Voltaire’s Zadig or the destiny and, consequently, comprehend how the author conceived the connections of providence and freedom.


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How to Cite

Brandão, R. (2020). The Voltaire’s Pneumatology and the Interpretation of Zadig or The Destiny. Cadernos De Ética E Filosofia Política, 1(36), 76-88.