The Concept of the Politician by Carl Schmitt and Chantal Mouffe: "Antagonism" or "Agonism"?


  • Natália Pereira Ribeiro da Silva Universidade Federal de São Carlos



Chantal Mouffe – Carl Schmitt – Political – Antagonism – Agonism


The political philosopher Chantal Mouffe develops your theory stating the antagonism and the conflict as central and essential categories of the politician, emphasizing thus the importance of dissent as a fundamental element of democracy. Mouffe directs us in his works to reflect what would be an agonistic model of radical democracy, where political pluralism, citizenship and the dissent establish the essential elements for the Constitution of this society. The thoughts of Chantal Mouffe backed by your reading Carl Schmitt, developing from a critique of liberal individualism and a rationalist perspective of politician, to emphasize the character "agonistic" of political dispute and enunciate out the reasons why the consensus cannot be the ultimate end of a democratic politics.


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How to Cite

Silva, N. P. R. da. (2023). The Concept of the Politician by Carl Schmitt and Chantal Mouffe: "Antagonism" or "Agonism"?. Cadernos De Ética E Filosofia Política, 42(1), 36-50.