An interpretation of Kantian Doctrine of Genius


  • Luciana Martínez Universidad Kant de Kaliningrado (IKBFU)



Kant, Genius, Fine arts, Pre critical period, Crítique of Judgment


In this paper, the Kantian doctrine of genius is examined. Firstly, the development of this doctrine during the pre-critical period is studied. It is shown that Kant did restrict the genius’ scope in this period. In the early eighties, genius was already considered only as the maker of fine arts. Secondly, his critical argumentation is studied. The features of genius and its systematic function within the Critique of Judgment are then explained.


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Author Biography

  • Luciana Martínez, Universidad Kant de Kaliningrado (IKBFU)

    Luciana Martínez es doctora en Filosofía por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Ha realizado una investigación posdoctoral financiada por el Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) y actualmente se desempeña como investigadora en la Universidad Kant de Kaliningrado (IKBFU). Participa en numerosos grupos y equipos de investigación y ha publicado varios artículos sobre la filosofía teórica de Kant.


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How to Cite

Martínez, L. (2021). An interpretation of Kantian Doctrine of Genius. Cadernos De Ética E Filosofia Política, 1(38), 85-98.