Notes about the effectiveness of the law Kantian doctrine


  • Fábio César Scherer


law doctrine – a priori politics – legitimate political action – effectiveness – perpetual peace.


In this article we assume that the kantian a priori juridical-political theory can be
reconstructed according to the a priori synthetic satisfiability proof theory, initially declared
in Kritik der reinen Vernunft and extended to practical domain in Kritik der praktischen Vernunft.
In particular, it is assumed that the aim to prove that synthetic judgments, such as “this
object of external usage is mine”, can a priori invigorate in private law and public law in
general – from the determination of their possibility conditions in the executable actions
domain by the free human agent – was carried out in Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre.
In what concerns the demonstration of the effectiveness of the law a priori synthetic
judgments Kantian theory, i.e., to decide which juridical proposals actually invigorate or
not, accepted that this work was not treated on a systematic way by the philosopher Königsberg.
There are fragments, spread through many works. Therefore, the task to be developed
in this article, aiming to present a field of effectiveness to the law doctrine, is to organize (synthetically) Kant´s statements about politics as a law doctrine exercise, according to the proof theory problems from the a priori synthetic proposals in general.



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How to Cite

Notes about the effectiveness of the law Kantian doctrine. (2010). Cadernos De Ética E Filosofia Política, 2(17), 172-187.