
  • Davis Moreira Alvim Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo



Foucault – resistance – power.


Is it possible to find resistance in the thought of Michel Foucault? Amid the diversity of his ideas, would he have left us clues to think the resisting act? By directing his intellectual production to power dispositfs, by invoking the figure of the "specific intellectual", and, also, in the later years of his life, then turning towards the constitution of subjectivities, Foucault provides us with unique ways to conceive and operate resistances. In this article we explore two directions of the resistances in the thought of the philosopher. One of them, the resistances coextend the field of power, keeping a special relationship with the specific role of the intellectual and with Philosophy. In second place, we indicate that the resistances are “starting points” or “key supports” for the issues that Foucault confronts in his work, becoming an essential part of your own research method.


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How to Cite

Alvim, D. M. (2012). FOUCAULT AND THE PRIMACY OF RESISTANCE. Cadernos De Ética E Filosofia Política, 1(20), 22-30.