A phenomenological description of the affectionate house in the domain of memory.


  • Luciano Fiscina




Affective-home, Phenomenology, Social psychology, Memory art, Autobiographical time


We present a phenomenological essay on the affective-home seeking to describe it within the scope of autobiographical experiences that confer elevated ways of comprehension of life in the poetic domain of image, remembrance and language. We seek to represent a current tradition of phenomenology whose convergence reflects hermeneutics in which the regions of belonging and rooting participate on certain fundamental ontology of the temporality of human existence. It seems to us to be a subject the within reach of a social psychology that seeks in the examination of microhistory the poetic structure of memory that unveils the feeling of inhabiting. We are looking for that original autobiographical time of Being in which we find our relationships of belonging.


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Author Biography

  • Luciano Fiscina

    Psicólogo graduado pela Universidade Mackenzie, com mestrado em História da Ciência pela PUC-SP e doutorado em Psicologia Social pelo IP-USP, em ambos os casos com bolsas da CAPES. Tem realizado pesquisas na interface entre Epistemologia e História da Psicologia. Atualmente faz estudos sobre a Fenomenologia em diálogo com a hermenêutica-existencial, literatura, Psicologia Social e Psicologia da Arte na compreensão e descrição das abordagens estéticas da percepção e da memória.


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How to Cite

Fiscina, L. (2021). A phenomenological description of the affectionate house in the domain of memory. Cadernos CERU, 32(1), 185-195. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2595-2536.v32i1p185-195