Das andanças do movimento quilombolas na Amazônia Legal maranhense: uma nova gramática na luta por territórios em conflitos
This study presents the dynamics of the quilombolas articulations in Maranhão and their own expressions of a “social movement” in this part of Amazon. Based on an own methodology that does not dissociate the theoretical reflection of the invested ones on the social practice, defined as ethnography in the interstices, the study reveals that the trajectory of quilombolas maranhenses movements is based on the conviction that it is through the struggle and revindication that the quilombolas communities will have their rights fulfilled. Through this conviction, the movements construct strategies of collective actions, like public organs occupation, connect and set up channels of dialogue and mediation with other external actors, besides rearticulating constitutively and disjunctively between spheres "of the same" quilombola movement. It takes as privileged social agents the MOQUIBOM / MOQBEQ of the maranhense western coast.