From inventories to the relations between traditional practice and the legal use of medicinal plants in settlements
Uses of medicinal plants, Settlements, SUS-Unified Health SystemAbstract
This article is the result of the project “Inventorying medicinal herbs in settlements: relationships between traditionaland legal uses of interest to the SUS –Unified Health System” financed by the Productivity and Research Program by the Estácio de Ribeirão Preto University Center and the NUPEDOR-Núcleo de Rural Research and Documentation / UNIARA. The development of the research took place in the Monte Alegre and Bela Vista do Chibarro settlements, in Araraquara / SP, with the aim of inventorying the popular use of medicinal herbs by residents according to the RENISUS -National List of Medicinal Plants of Interest to SUS. As a methodology, two work moments were adopted, the snowball methodology to identify the participating lots, and, in the second moment, technical visits and field observation. As a result, we highlight the inventories with the herbs produced n the lots, uses and cultivation practices common to the settlers, in addition to the mapping of backyards and the relationship of traditional knowledge compared to the practice applicable by SUS. It is concluded that a research contributed to the search for the formation of associative groups to generate work and income, especially for women, and the constitution of a CSO of a group of settlers and settlers.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Thauana Paiva de Souza Gomes, Fábia Giz, Vera Lúcia Silveira Botta Ferrante
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