Research progress in ultrasound use for the diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases


  • Li Yan The Fourth Military Medical University, Xijing Hospital, Department of Ultrasonography
  • Xiaodong Zhou The Fourth Military Medical University, Xijing Hospital, Department of Ultrasonography
  • Yu Zheng The Third Affiliated Hospital of JiaoTong University, Xi’an Central Hospital, Department of Ultrasonography
  • Wen Luo The Fourth Military Medical University, Xijing Hospital, Department of Ultrasonography
  • Junle Yang The Third Affiliated Hospital of JiaoTong University, Xi’an Central Hospital, Department of CT & MRI
  • Yin Zhou The Third Affiliated Hospital of JiaoTong University, Xi’an Central Hospital, Department of Ultrasonography
  • Yang He Xi'an Medical University, Department of General Surgery



Ultrasound, Vascular Imaging, Cerebrovascular Event, Carotid Artery, Ultrasound Contrast, Thrombolysis


Cerebrovascular diseases pose a serious threat to human survival and quality of life and represent a major cause of human death and disability. Recently, the incidence of cerebrovascular diseases has increased yearly. Rapid and accurate diagnosis and evaluation of cerebrovascular diseases are of great importance to reduce the incidence, morbidity and mortality of cerebrovascular diseases. With the rapid development of medical ultrasound, the clinical relationship between ultrasound imaging technology and the diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases has become increasingly close. Ultrasound techniques such as transcranial acoustic angiography, doppler energy imaging, three-dimensional craniocerebral imaging and ultrasound thrombolysis are novel and valuable techniques in the study of cerebrovascular diseases. In this review, we introduce some of the new ultrasound techniques from both published studies and ongoing trials that have been confirmed to be convenient and effective methods. However, additional evidence from future studies will be required before some of these techniques can be widely applied or recommended as alternatives.


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Review Articles

How to Cite

Yan, L., Zhou, X., Zheng, Y., Luo, W., Yang, J., Zhou, Y., & He, Y. (2019). Research progress in ultrasound use for the diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases. Clinics, 74, e715.