Restrictive versus Liberal Fluid Therapy for PostCesarean Acute Kidney Injury in Severe Preeclampsia: a Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial




Preeclampsia, Acute Kidney Injury, Cesarean Section, Fluid Therapy


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine whether a restrictive compared to a liberal fluid therapy will increase postoperative acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients with severe preeclampsia. METHODS: A total of 46 patients (mean age, 32 years; standard deviation, 6.8 years) with severe preeclampsia were randomized to liberal (1500 ml of lactated Ringer’s, n=23) or restrictive (250 ml of lactated Ringer’s, n=23) intravenous fluid regimen during cesarean section. The primary outcome was the development of a postoperative renal dysfunction defined by AKI Network stage X1. Serum cystatin C and neutrophil gelatinaseassociated lipocalin (NGAL) were evaluated at postoperative days 1 and 2. NCT02214186. RESULTS: The rate of postoperative AKI was 43.5% in the liberal fluid group and 43.5% in the restrictive fluid group (p=1.0). Intraoperative urine output was higher in the liberal (116 ml/h, IQR 69-191) than in the restrictive fluid group (80 ml/h, IQR 37-110, po0.05). In both groups, serum cystatin C did not change from postoperative day 1 compared to the preoperative period and significantly decreased on postoperative day 2 compared to postoperative day 1 (po0.05). In the restrictive fluid group, NGAL levels increased on postoperative day 1 compared to the preoperative period (po0.05) and decreased on postoperative day 2 compared to postoperative day 1 (po0.05). CONCLUSION: Among patients with severe preeclampsia, a restrictive fluid regimen during cesarean section was not associated with increased postoperative AKI.


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Silva, W. A. da, Varela, C. V. A., Pinheiro, A. M., Scherer, P. C., Francisco, R. P., Torres, M. L. A., Carmona, M. J. C., Bliacheriene, F., Andrade, L. C., Pelosi, P., & Malbouisson, L. M. S. (2020). Restrictive versus Liberal Fluid Therapy for PostCesarean Acute Kidney Injury in Severe Preeclampsia: a Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial. Clinics, 75, e1797.