Cerebral and cardiac amyloidosis in autopsied elderly individuals


  • Lucas Martins de Exel Nunes Triângulo Mineiro Federal University; General Pathology Division
  • Ana Karina Marques Salge Triângulo Mineiro Federal University; General Pathology Division
  • Flávia Aparecida de Oliveira Triângulo Mineiro Federal University; General Pathology Division
  • Vicente de Paula A. Teixeira Triângulo Mineiro Federal University; General Pathology Division
  • Marlene Antônia dos Reis Triângulo Mineiro Federal University; General Pathology Division




Autopsy, Amyloidosis, Elderly, Encephalon, Heart


INTRODUCTION: Amyloidosis in elderly individuals can be an independent alteration and a characteristic of aging. However, the clinical, pathophysiologic, and biochemical characteristics of amyloidosis related to age remain uncertain. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the heart and/or the brain of individuals aged 60 years or over exhibits amyloid deposits. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The autopsy findings of individuals who were at least 60 years old were studied. The autopsies took place between the years of 1976 and 2000. A total of 10 cases were selected that had hearts without cardiopathies, had negative serology for Chagas' disease, and had brains without morphological changes related to encephalopathies. Slides with fragments of heart and brain were processed and analyzed using polarized and common light microscopy. RESULTS: Of the 10 cases, 4 were positive for amyloidosis. All had positive findings in the brain, and 1 case also had positive findings in the heart. Among the positive cases, 50% were of people aged 60 to 69 years. There appeared to be a relationship between the presence of amyloid deposits and the ratio of brain and body weight, with the ratio in the positive cases being smaller than in the negative cases. CONCLUSIONS: The analysis of amyloid deposits in the brains and hearts of elderly individuals shows that such deposits may lead to a systemic attack of senility, common to natural aging. It is not certain that beta-amyloid deposits would alone bring such drastic repercussions to the individual. Some additional disorders of the organism could cause the breakdown of the natural balance related to the accumulation of these proteins, leading the way to the pathological contexts of amyloidosis.


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How to Cite

Nunes, L. M. de E., Salge, A. K. M., Oliveira, F. A. de, Teixeira, V. de P. A., & Reis, M. A. dos. (2006). Cerebral and cardiac amyloidosis in autopsied elderly individuals . Clinics, 61(2), 113-118. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1807-59322006000200005