Drug-dispensing errors in the hospital pharmacy


  • Tânia Azevedo Anacleto Federal University of Minas Gerais; Hospital João XXIII
  • Edson Perini Federal University of Minas Gerais; Hospital João XXIII
  • Mário Borges Rosa Federal University of Minas Gerais; Hospital João XXIII
  • Cibele Comini César Federal University of Minas Gerais; Hospital João XXIII




Medication errors, Dispensing errors, Drugs, Hospital pharmacy, Adverse events


OBJECTIVE: To determine the dispensing error rate and to identify factors associated with them, and to propose prevention actions. METHODS: A cross-sectional study focusing on the occurrence of dispensing errors in a general hospital in Belo Horizonte that uses a mixed system (a combination of multidose and unit dose systems) of collective and individualized dosing. RESULTS: A total of 422 prescription order forms were analyzed, registering 81.8% with at least 1 dispensing error. Opportunities for errors were higher in the pretyped prescription order forms (odds ratio = 4.5; P <.001), in those with 9 or more drugs (odds ratio = 4.0; P <.001), and with those for injectable drugs (odds ratio = 5.0; P <.001). One of the teams of professionals had a higher chance of errors (odds ratio = 2.0; P =.02). A multivariate analysis ratified these results. CONCLUSIONS: The dispensing system at the pharmacy can produce many latent failures and does not have an adequate control; it has several conditions that predispose it to the occurrence of errors, contributing to the high rate reported.







Clinical Sciences

How to Cite

Anacleto, T. A., Perini, E., Rosa, M. B., & César, C. C. (2007). Drug-dispensing errors in the hospital pharmacy . Clinics, 62(3), 243-250. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1807-59322007000300007