Radiological reports: a comparison between the transmission efficiency of information in free text and in structured reports


  • Flavio Barbosa University of São Paulo; Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine; Hospital das Clinicas; Centro de Informações e Análises
  • Lea Maria Zanini Maciel University of São Paulo; Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine; Hospital das Clinicas; Division of Endocrinology
  • Elizabeth Melmi Vieira University of São Paulo; Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine; Hospital das Clinicas; Social Medicine Department
  • Paulo M. de Azevedo Marques University of São Paulo; Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine; Hospital das Clinicas; Internal Medicine Department, Division of Radiology
  • Jorge Elias Jr University of São Paulo; Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine; Hospital das Clinicas; Internal Medicine Department, Division of Radiology
  • Valdair Francisco Muglia University of São Paulo; Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine; Hospital das Clinicas; Internal Medicine Department, Division of Radiology



Computerized reports, Free text, Thyroid sonography


INTRODUCTION: This work proposes to improve the transmission of information between requiring physicians and radiologists. OBJECTIVES: Evaluate the implementation of a structured report (SR) in a university hospital. METHODS: A model of a structured report for thyroid sonography was developed according to information gathered from radiologists and endocrinologists working in this field. The report was based on a web platform and installed as a part of a Radiological Information System (RIS) and a Hospital Information System (HIS). The time for the report generation under the two forms was evaluated over a four-month period, two months for each method. After this period, radiologists and requiring physicians were questioned about the two methods of reporting. RESULTS: For free text, 98 sonograms were reported to have thyroids with nodules in an average time of 8.71 (+/-4.11) minutes, and 59 sonograms of thyroids without nodules were reported in an average time of 4.54 (+/- 3.97) minutes. For SR, 73 sonograms in an average time of 6.08 (+/-3.8) minutes for thyroids with nodules and 3.67 (+/-2.51) minutes for thyroids without nodules. Most of the radiologists (76.2%) preferred the SR, as originally created or with suggested changes. Among endocrinologists, 80% preferred the SR. DISCUSSION: From the requiring physicians' perspective, the SR enabled standardization and improved information transmission. This information is valuable because physicians need reports prepared by radiologists. CONCLUSIONS: The implementation of a SR in a university hospital, under an RIS/HIS system, was viable. Radiologists and endocrinologists preferred the SR when compared to free text, and both agreed that the former improved the transmission of information.







Clinical Sciences

How to Cite

Barbosa, F., Maciel, L. M. Z., Vieira, E. M., Marques, P. M. de A., Elias Jr, J., & Muglia, V. F. (2010). Radiological reports: a comparison between the transmission efficiency of information in free text and in structured reports . Clinics, 65(1), 15-21.