Influence of food restriction on lipid profile and spontaneous glucose levels in male rats subjected to paradoxical sleep deprivation


  • Tathiana Aparecida Alvarenga Universidade Federal de São Paulo; Departamento de Psicobiologia
  • Sergio Tufik Universidade Federal de São Paulo; Departamento de Psicobiologia
  • Gabriel Natan Pires Universidade Federal de São Paulo; Departamento de Psicobiologia
  • Monica Levy Andersen Universidade Federal de São Paulo; Departamento de Psicobiologia



Cardiovascular Diseases, Cholesterol, Food Deprivation, Sleep Deprivation, Triglycerides


OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine the paired consequences of food restriction and paradoxical sleep deprivation on lipid profile and spontaneous glucose levels in male rats. METHOD: Food restriction began at weaning, with 6 g of food being provided per day, which was subsequently increased by 1 g per week until reaching 15 g per day by the eighth week. At adulthood, both rats subjected to food restriction and those fed ad libitum were exposed to paradoxical sleep deprivation for 96 h or were maintained in their home-cage groups. RESULTS: Animals subjected to food restriction exhibited a significant increase in high-density lipoprotein levels compared to animals that were given free access to food. After the paradoxical sleep deprivation period, the foodrestricted animals demonstrated reduced concentrations of high-density lipoprotein relative to their respective controls, although the values for the food-restricted animals after sleep deprivation were still higher than those for the ad libitum group. The concentration of low-density lipoproteins was significantly increased in sleep-deprived animals fed the ad libitum diet. The levels of triglycerides, very low-density lipoproteins, and glucose in foodrestricted animals were each decreased compared to both ad libitum groups. CONCLUSION: These results may help to illustrate the mechanisms underlying the relationship between sleep curtailment and metabolism and may suggest that, regardless of sleep deprivation, dietary restriction can minimize alterations in parameters related to cardiovascular risk.


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Basic Research

How to Cite

Alvarenga, T. A., Tufik, S., Pires, G. N., & Andersen, M. L. (2012). Influence of food restriction on lipid profile and spontaneous glucose levels in male rats subjected to paradoxical sleep deprivation. Clinics, 67(4), 375-380.