Mountain men: New Christians and the colonization of brasilian innerland


  • Daniela Tonello Levy Centro de Referencia sobre Inquisição AnitaNovinsky-Museu Judaico



Inquisition, New Christians, Minas Gerais, Paulistas



The Sephardic Jews, descendants from the Jews converted in 1497, were the pioneers in the discovery of gold and diamonds in Portuguese America. The difficult life for the New Christians in Portugal after the establishment of the Inquisition, led a group of Marranos to leave for the New World, where they thought they would have freedom and new opportunities.

In Brazil, one of the most sought regions was São Paulo, an inhospitable place populated by Indians, which served as the perfect refuge for the conversos, some of them became great explores. The hard life in São Paulo drove the “paulistas” New Christians to lead expeditions to the countryside in search of economic opportunities. In the jungle they fought against  the Jesuits, wildlife, thirst, hunger until, finally, they became the first to discover  gold.

It was the fearless Sephardim from São Paulo who, facing dangers and difficulties founded the first gold villages. A Marrano named Garcia Rodrigues Paes built a road to Minas Gerais called “Caminho Novo” (New Way) or “Caminho do Comércio” (Commerce Way), which reduced the travel time between Rio de Janeiro (the main port in the colony) and the village of Ouro Preto’s.

The Sephardis believed to be safe, deep into the Brazilian backcountry, but the Inquisition formed a network of informers (familiares) and officers responsible for investigating and preparing cases of accusations against the conversos.


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How to Cite

Tonello Levy, D. (2021). Mountain men: New Christians and the colonization of brasilian innerland. Cadernos De Língua E Literatura Hebraica, 16, 60-66.