The Literariedade the Hebrew Bible




Hebrew Bible, Literariness, Literary Theory


Historically, the Hebrew Bible has been the subject of several discussions about its condition and the criteria that should define its method of analysis. In this context, it is possible to highlight the theorists who defend the literary character of the Bible, proposing interpretative models that start from this premise. The efforts of such theorists resulted in an increasing academical production; however, this is mostly dedicated to the making and application of interpretative methods, in detriment of a discussion that deals, in fact, with the literary condition of the work. This work aims to contribute to the reduction of this emptiness, exploring, thus, the literariness of the Hebrew Bible, taking as a base the elements that reflect the literary character of a text, as stipulated by the most diverse currents of Literary Theory.


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Author Biography

  • Eliathan Carvalho Leite, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

    Mestrando em Teoria Literária pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), com bolsa CNPq. Graduado em Teologia pela Universidade Adventista de São Paulo (UNASP-EC) e Letras - Português, pela mesma instituição, com bolsa CAPES - PIBID. Possui interesse e desenvolve pesquisas nas seguintes áreas: Bíblia Hebraica; Teoria Literária; Análise Narrativa da Bíblia Hebraica; Hebraico Bíblico; Religião, Política e Sociedade.


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How to Cite

Leite, E. C. (2023). The Literariedade the Hebrew Bible. Cadernos De Língua E Literatura Hebraica, 24, 126-148.