Centenary of birth of a great Jewish intellectual


  • Saul Kirschbaum Sem Registro de Afiliação




Henrique Rattner, Jewishness, Palestinian-israeli conflict


The year 2023 evokes the centenary of the birth of a great Jewish-Brazilian intellectual, Henrique Rattner. Rattner is responsible for important contributions to national and international organizations – he coordinated ABDL’s LEAD, Prolides and Pronord Programs (Leadership and Sustainable Development Programs internationally, in Mercosur and in the Northeast) and also coordinated researches and was a consultant for national institutions, such as CNPq, FINEP, MCT, SEPLAN/SP, SENAI, SEBRAE and IPT, and international ones such as the UN, UNESCO and the World Bank. Even so, Rattner did not lose sight of his status as an educator and a Jew: for many years he was the director of the Lar das Crianças, maintained by CIP, he coordinated a deep and comprehensive survey of the Jewish community in São Paulo, which resulted in the book Tradição e Mudança (1977), and produced several articles and lectures on the issue of the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis, which ended up being gathered in the book Israel e a Paz no Oriente Médio: Uma Luz no Fim do Túnel? released in 2008. In celebration of his centenary, his son Jair published Sob as asas da fala e da escrita: histórias da vida de Henrique Rattner, recently released.


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Curriculum Lattes de Heinrich Rattner, acessado em 13/02/2023.

RATTNER, Henrique. Tradição e mudança. São Paulo: Ática, 1977.

RATTNER, Henrique. “Sobre o Oriente Médio” in RATTNER, Jair. Sob as asas da fala e da escrita: histórias da vida de Henrique Rattner. Lisboa: Edição do autor, 2023.

RATTNER, Jair. Sob as asas da fala e da escrita: histórias da vida de Henrique Rattner. Lisboa: Edição do autor, 2023.

SALLES, Valéria. Henrique Rattner, o pensador do desenvolvimento in revista Espaço Acadêmico, ed. 93, fev/2009, reproduzido na revista Focus Brasil em 09/06/2011:. https://fpabramo.org.br/2011/06/09/henrique-rattner-pensador-do-desenvolvimento-falece-em-sao-paulo/ acessado em 14/02/2023.

Tanah completo. São Paulo: Editora e Livraria Sêfer Ltda, 2006.






How to Cite

Kirschbaum, S. (2023). Centenary of birth of a great Jewish intellectual. Cadernos De Língua E Literatura Hebraica, 23, 192-198. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2317-8051.cllh.2023.212574