A ideologia sionista e o renascimento da língua hebraica em "Missaviv Lanekudá", de Yossef Haim Brenner


  • Gabriel Steinberg Schvartzman Universidade de São Paulo




Hebrew literature, Hebrew language, Zionism, Diaspora, revival of the Hebrew language


Yosef Haim Brenner was born in 1881 in what was the Russian Empire and died in the Land of Israel in 1921 at the age of 40. He is considered a pioneer of the New Hebrew literature, and a public thinker and leader. In his most important short story, Brenner addresses the linguistic transition from the Yiddish language to Hebrew, one of the highest expressions of the Zionist enterprise in ancestral land. In 1904 Brenner left Russia and settled in England. In the same year he published the short story Misaviv Lanekuda (Around the point) in the Hebrew journal Hashiloach, whose editor at the time was Chaim Nacham Bialik, the central figure of Modern Hebrew literature. In 1909 he immigrated to Palestine where he devoted himself to literature of deep ideological. Content this communication will present an account of the work of Brenner during the renovation of the Hebrew Language at the beginning of Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel.


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Author Biography

  • Gabriel Steinberg Schvartzman, Universidade de São Paulo
    Gabriel Steinberg possui graduação em História pela Universidade de São Paulo (1994), mestrado em Língua Hebraica, Literatura e Cultura Judaicas pela Universidade de São Paulo (2000) e doutorado em Língua Hebraica, Literatura e Cultura Judaicas pela Universidade de São Paulo (2006). Atualmente é professor do Departamento de Letras Orientais da FFLCH/USP. Tem experiência na área de Letras e História, atuando nos seguintes temas: Língua Hebraica moderna, História Judaica, História e Literatura israelenses e Holocausto.






How to Cite

Schvartzman, G. S. (2021). A ideologia sionista e o renascimento da língua hebraica em "Missaviv Lanekudá", de Yossef Haim Brenner. Cadernos De Língua E Literatura Hebraica, 10, 29-49. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2317-8051.cllh.2012.53645