About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Publishing Policy
The Communication & Education Journal has two annual editions. It studies the communication field, with focus in the interrelationship communication/education or media education. Its mission is the development of critical knowledge, capable to evidence how media is present day by day in our lives. Communication & Education Journal have the commitment to diffuse contents to help the communicators and educators (educommunicators) to understand and use the media for people development in terms of the values of the citizenship, democracy and social rights.
Communication & Education Journal is directed to researchers of the interface communication/education; teachers (all levels); educators (directors or others professionals of public or private schools) communicators, students of communication and pedagogy, post graduate and undergraduate, experts in the area and managers of the area communication/education.
Peer Review Process
- We accept manuscripts related to the journal area;
- They must follow the publication guidelines;
- Manuscripts are submitted to two referees from the Editorial Committee or invited ad hoc ones to write their assessment. The Editorial Committee and ad hoc invitees give their appraisal by following a set of this journal’s Editorial Commission criteria for manuscripts evaluation of articles. In case of opposite opinions, a third part is designated to give a final decision of publication;
- After the evaluation, the annotated manuscripts or the ones rejected by the referees are sent back to the authors. If it was approved, it will be archived in a file of “approved manuscripts”.
Publication Frequency
2 times a year
Open Access Policy
This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that providing free scientific knowledge to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge.
Its contents may not be reproduced in whole or in part for commercial purposes. Its use is exclusive for non-commercial purposes and the source and authorship should always be referred to.
Information Services
AGÊNCIA USP DE GESTÃO DA INFORMAÇÃO ACADÊMICA (AGUIA): http://www.revistas.usp.br/comueduc
MIAR: http://miar.ub.edu/issn/0104-6829
JOURNAL FOR FREE: https://journals4free.com/?q=2316-9125&x=0&y=0
DIADORIM: https://diadorim.ibict.br/handle/1/2323
OAJI: http://oaji.net/journal-
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com.br/citations?user=QnA8FrMAAAAJ&hl=pt-BR
Ethics policy and plagiarism
Our mission is to guide and clarify the authors about the ethical stance and anti-espionage adopted. In this sense, information can be obtained through the article:
The Commitee on Publication Ethics - COPE provides instructions. The journal uses the following parameters as procedures:
Departamento de Comunicações e Artes - Escola de Comunicações e Artes (ECA) - Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
Communication & Education magazine is fully maintained with resources from the department, the University of São Paulo and other agencies and development agencies and does not charge submission and / or publication fees.
Sources of Support
Journal History
The Communications and Arts Department of Escola de Comunicações e Artes of Universidade de São Paulo (CCA/ECA/USP) joins teachers dedicated to several interdisciplinary fields of Communication Science – Communication Psychology, Communication Epistemology and Sociology. Many interdisciplinary researches were focused in understanding the phenomenon of technological mediations, mediatic languages and culture. So, arose the idea of disclosing the research knowledge and results through a vehicle that reached the interested audience – teachers, researchers, educators, producers, artists who wished to obtain information related to this interdisciplinarity – Communication and Education. Thus, it was conceived the idea of creating a journal to enforce the scientific field and professional formation, developing what could be called “media pedagogy”, focused on the communication science, with a multidisciplinary nature and based in transdisciplinarity. To make the realization of a journal with such characteristics viable, it was decided to set a partnership with private publishers. So, the publishing houses Moderna, Segmento, Salesiana and, nowadays, Paulinas, made it possible a journal that is published three times a year, which is already in its 14º year of regular existence. The journal Comunicação & Educação was created, therefore, to go beyond the old fashioned vision by which the area of Education used to approach media. This vision is expressed in rigid and traditional positions, unable to recognize the importance of media or, on the other hand, in a exaggerate fascination by media that can result in lack of criticism.