Representação visual e cognição
Visual representation and cognition: a study using Science and Mathematics textbooks for Elementary Schools
communication, education, visual representation, cognition, textbookAbstract
To investigate the extent to which visual representations contribute to triggering cognitive processes, we have selected for this article visual representations from Science and Mathematics textbooks that compose the stratified sample of books reviewed in the 2011 Textbooks Guide of the Brazilian Program for Textbooks (Programa Nacional do Livro Didático – PNLD), for final grades of Elementary School in Science, Mathematics, History, Geography, Portuguese Language and Foreign Language in the developed research corpus. After the initial systematization, the different modalities of visual representation were classified and analyzed considering Peirce’s semiotics theory. These discussions are relevant to the communication/education interface since they present the possibility that the involved school disciplines being considered as languages that, when incorporating signs other than verbal, imply new knowledge about such types of representations.
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