Las tramas intersubjetivas del encuentro pedagógico
un abordaje semiótico focalizado en la diversidad
pedagogical encounter, semiotics, intersubjectivity, communication, diversityAbstract
The complex intersubjectivity plots that unfold within educational processes confront us with the problem of diversity as one of the main axes from which pedagogical relationships are built. In this context, it is necessary to characterize the discursive circulation as a dynamic nucleus of pedagogical practices and as a builder of the semiotic networks that are deployed there. We ask ourselves, in the present article, about this order of problems from a semiotic-communicational approach: for its implications, potentialities and resonances; we ask ourselves about the challenges that they bring to the interior of educational processes and the inflections of meaning to which they give rise; and we are questioned, finally, by the way in which their attention from teacher training participates in the ethical and political definition of the positioning of future teachers as well as their educational projects.
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