Upper secondary education reform

communication deficit and political intercurrences


  • Adilson Odair Citelli Universidade de São Paulo - USP




upper secondary education, reform, communication, education, public policy


The recent approval of the new Law that will govern the Brazilian Upper Secondary Education entailed a series of questions about its procedural strategy and about the very feasibility of its implementation. Issued as a Provisional Executive Order, it was quickly assessed and approved by the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, excluding from the discussion the social sectors focused on education. The necessary communication processes, understood as dialogical processes – crucial to discussing a matter possibly affecting the practices of the whole level of basic education – were not pursued, resulting in a Law debated solely in ministerial offices and in the National Congress offices of government leaders.


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Author Biography

  • Adilson Odair Citelli, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

    Professor at the Communications and Arts Department of ECA-USP. He teaches undergraduate
    and postgraduate courses (PPGCOM-USP). Researcher 1B of CNPq. Head of the
    Educommunication Mediation Research Group (MECOM).. He is the author of numerous
    articles and books focused on the areas of communication, education, educommunication.


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How to Cite

Citelli, A. O. (2018). Upper secondary education reform: communication deficit and political intercurrences. Comunicação & Educação, 23(2), 7-19. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9125.v23i2p7-19