Cultura digital e aprendizagem colaborativa:

estratégias virtuais pós-Covid 19


  • Ana Lucia de Souza Lopes Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Marili Moreira da Silva Vieira Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie



Digital culture, Collaborative learning, Teaching strategies, Education after Covid-19, Media convergence


This article presents an experience with teaching strategies for the collaborative learning in virtual contexts, during the period of social isolation caused by COVID-19. The subject is Science, Technology and Society, with 30 students from the first semester of the Language Course at a private university. The synthesis activities proposed consisted in the construction of a collaborative mural using the PADLET tool on the theme “What is Society?”, and in individual record in students’ Learning Diary. The qualitative analysis of the participants was adopted, seeking to apprehend how the articulation between the methodology, the use of digital tools and media convergence contributed to the learning process. We make considerations about the incorporation of digital culture in pedagogical practices, from the perception of significant learning by students.


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How to Cite

Lopes, A. L. de S., & Vieira, M. M. da S. . (2020). Cultura digital e aprendizagem colaborativa:: estratégias virtuais pós-Covid 19. Comunicação & Educação, 25(1), 200-214.