Ciências da Comunicação contra a desinformação


  • Eugenio Bucci Universidade de São Paulo



information, disinformation, superindustry of the imaginary, democracy, factual truth, fascism


From the understanding of information, not only through the etymology, but through the history of the social use of the term, I try to develop the concept of disinformation. More than rumours, more than a fuse of lies, disinformation, in my view, should be seen as a toxic by-product of the Superindustry of the Imaginary, jeopardizing democratic normality and boosting discourses with fascist traits. If information helps to weave bonds of trust in the public sphere, disinformation dissolves those bonds. In the framework of the Superindustry of the Imaginary – a stage of capitalism in which the value of the commodity’s image surpasses the value of the commodity’s body – communication is no longer an accessory activity (at the service of public or private organizations) to become the center of economic and political activity, defining the status of disinformation – a communicational pattern that compresses thought and verification of facts in favor of libidinal identifications, passions and desire. This is so true that global monopoly conglomerates (big techs such as Meta, Apple or Alphabet) reach the highest market values ​​in history, in the trillions of dollars.


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Author Biography

  • Eugenio Bucci, Universidade de São Paulo

    Professor Titular da Escola de Comunicações e Artes (ECA-USP). Coordenador Acadêmico da Cátedra Oscar Sala (IEA-USP) e Superintendente de Comunicação Social da Universidade de São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Bucci, E. (2022). Ciências da Comunicação contra a desinformação. Comunicação & Educação, 27(2), 5-19.