Communication and entertainment: the educational message on dementia in the narrative of the game Before I Forget


  • Vicente Martin Mastrocola Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo



Video game, Dementia, Communication, Education, Entertainment


This study examines the potential of entertainment games as a medium to transmit educational content about dementia using the game Before I Forget as its empirical object of research. By combining bibliographic research and non-participant observation of the Steam page of the game — following the ideas of Kozinets, this study seeks to understand how players receive the message of the game about dementia as they place themselves in the shoes of the character suffering from this condition. The research draws on theoretical frameworks from the fields of communication and education and games and entertainment. This study suggest that games such as Before I Forget can potentially serve as valuable tools for dementia education, using playful elements to provoke reflection and engagement in their audience.


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Author Biography

  • Vicente Martin Mastrocola, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

    Professor na graduação de Jogos Digitais na PUC (São Paulo). Possui mestrado e doutorado em Comunicação e Práticas de Consumo.


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How to Cite

Mastrocola, V. M. (2024). Communication and entertainment: the educational message on dementia in the narrative of the game Before I Forget. Comunicação & Educação, 29(1), 259-274.