Propaganda eleitoral, jornalismo e construção da agenda pública (Entrevista com Luís Gonzalez)


  • Roseli Aparecida Fígaro Paulino Universidade de São Paulo / Escola de Comunicações e Artes



journalism, electoral propaganda, public agenda, politics, political marketing


Journalist and GW Comunicações director, Luís Gonzalez, speaks exclusively to Comunicação & Educação about his experience at coordinating electoral campaigns of the main political leaders in the Country. Originating from the major magazine and TV newsrooms, Gonzalez shows how journalism routines are important tools to set up thematic story lines for electoral campaigns. The journalist and businessman also talks about the current characteristics of our press professionals, whose practice is much closer to declaratory and instigating "catty" journalism, one that does not expose the subjects that are really important for the Country. Gonzalez made a point of demarking marketing and journalism, but he recognizes that the propitious journalistic language, in an electoral campaign, plus elements for the citizen to make his or her evaluation on the candidates' proposals.


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How to Cite

Paulino, R. A. F. (2000). Propaganda eleitoral, jornalismo e construção da agenda pública (Entrevista com Luís Gonzalez). Comunicação & Educação, 19, 66-81.