The media in the school


  • Maria Aparecida Baccega Universidade de São Paulo / Escola de Comunicações e Artes



media, school, culture, new technologies


The artiçle discusses the presence o£ the media and of new technologies in the school. It begins by discussing the controversy there is among those who favor and those who are against such a presence in order to emphasize this is not a matter of will, rather, that we have to acknowledge that whether we like it or not, the media i s already present in the school since ithey are a part of the daily life and of the culture of both students and teachers. The most important problern to solve is to know how to use them in order to allow for an eduçation that is adequate for the reality of the mediatic culture, with the schml having a mediation role, qualiíying the students to be free, critical citizens who can think and make decisions on their own. 


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How to Cite

Baccega, M. A. (2002). The media in the school. Comunicação & Educação, 25, 7-15.